NJ Emergency Spill Response

emergency spill response

Spills don’t wait for the ideal time to show up — in fact, they often happen at the worst time possible! A spill is not just an annoyance; it’s a business problem and an environmental risk, too. That is why we are available for emergency spill response in New Jersey, any time of day and any day of the year.

How We Handle Spills

Our NJ emergency spill response is quick and comprehensive. We manage hazardous spills and non-hazardous spills alike, containing and cleaning unwanted substances in compliance with any regulatory requirements that apply. We get to your site right away and get it under control, from evacuating personnel to securing the perimeter of the spill and setting up a staging area. We identify the spill and what is causing it, protect ourselves with the appropriate gear and monitoring, and get to work decontaminating and containing.

Our crew is experienced in cleaning and mitigating spills of all types, from hazardous waste to chemical spills, to oil spills, tanker rollovers, and disaster response. We are equally able to manage spills of all sizes from a small leak in an oil tank to a full-on industrial disaster. Our goal, in dealing with an emergency spill of any size or type, is to get to your site quickly and get to work addressing the problem so that pollution, contamination, and health and safety risks are reduced as much as possible, as fast as possible.

We use a wide array of equipment, from our vacuum and hydro-vacuum trucks to excavators to ensure that every last drop of a spill is handled before we transport any waste safely away.

Part of an emergency spill response is what is left behind — the soil, water, and other areas that are potentially left damaged by the release of unwanted substances. As a full-service environmental industrial contractor it’s easy for IEC to follow up on an emergency spill response with the necessary site remediation.

New Jersey Regulations

As a New Jersey company we are well versed in NJ’s emergency spill response requirements. New Jersey generally follows the same requirements that the federal government sets out for spill response when it comes to petroleum products, considered hazardous by the state. Most discharges of hazardous materials need to be reported to the Department of Environmental Protection, something we can help you navigate if you have any questions about the appropriate steps to take. The department may immediately send an emergency responder depending on the situation, and we will liaise with that person to ensure that all compliance needs are being met on our end, on behalf of your company.

The Department of Environmental Protection also sets out requirements for site remediation after a hazardous waste spill, a compliance document we know well and will adhere to for every one of our clients.

For more information about this or any other aspect of our spill response services in NJ, contact us to talk to a team member.